SWAT vs. Aliens throws you into battle against the oncoming hordes of alien walkers!
Survive as long as possible as wave after wave of aliens show now mercy.
(For Google Cardboard)
**Use a BT gamepad to shoot**
** Exploding Aliens**
**Intense gun battle game play**
**Atmospheric environmental sound FX**
**Gun and alien sound FX are very realistic**
**Auto armor regeneration (you will need it!)**
**High end 3D animation and FX**
**Calibrate for drift or shaking: Simply leave the phone lying on a table for about 20 seconds.**
Next version of this game will include new weapons systems and more aliens.
Stay tuned!
Visual immersion experience designed for 3D/VR viewers:
Google Cardboard*, DODOcase, Durovis Dive, Refugio3D, vrAse, 3Deva, VReyeGO, GameFace, Homido, etc.
* You can build Google Cardboard for cheap! http://g.co/cardboard
Have Fun! ;-)
Increase Screen Brightness to 100
Disable Power Saving mode
Close all other apps
Wear Headphones
(Help Translate! https://corvusvr.oneskyapp.com/collaboration)